1219, St. Valentine’s church


St. Valentine

October 5th 1219
The Basilica of St. Valentine returned into the possession of the Diocese of Terni which had been newly established the year before. Until then the parish of St. Valentine had belonged to Narni together with the nearby castle of Perticara. Pope Onofrio lll

gave in to the demands of the new Bishop of Terni, Raniero, who wanted to reclaim the Basilica and all its pertinences.
From Rieti, where he was staying at the time, the Pope sentenced that ” what has long been held in the hands of the Bishops of Narni and Spoleto” that is to say ” the parish of St. Valentine with its chapels” should be returned to the church in Terni. It was the Pope himself who ratified the agreement signed in Terni on 5th October 1219.  In this Onofrio lll ordered the Prior of the Basilica to hand over to Bishop Raniero the keys of the church and all the relative property deeds, its chapels and castles.

St. Valentine’s Basilica in 1960

Further to its religious and symbolical significance, the act brought consistent economical advantages to the Diocese of Terni while damaging that of Narni.



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